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History of the college

  The history of the Municipal Institution “Balta Pedagogical Professional College” can be divided into two main periods, namely: the first period - from the time of its foundation on September 1, 1930 to July 20, 1941 (occupation of the city of Balta by Nazi Germany and its allies); the second period - from April 29, 1944 (liberation of the city of Balta from the occupiers) to the present day.

  During its existence, the Pedagogical College changed its name several times. From 1930 to 1938, it was called the Pedagogical College, from 1938 to 1944 - the Pedagogical School, from 1944 to 2018 - the Pedagogical School. Since December 21, 2018, it has been a Pedagogical College. Since 2020, it has been a professional pedagogical college.  Therefore, when telling its history, we will refer to it as it was called at one time or another during its existence.

   With the formation of the Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the fall of 1924, the center of which until 1929 was in Balta. The Moldavian Pedagogical Training Combine was established on the territory of the former Balta Men`s Monastery. It included Moldovan and Ukrainian pedagogic schools, vocational schools and pedagogical courses. The Ukrainian Pedagogical Technical College began its educational process with first-year students in the number of three parallel groups on September 1, 1930. 

   This date is considered to be the beginning of the foundation of the Balti Ukrainian Pedagogical College.  For two years, the Ukrainian Pedagogical College worked within the system of the Pedagogical Combine. At the beginning of the 1932-1933 academic year, the Ukrainian Pedagogical College separated from the Pedagogical College and moved to the northern part of Balta, to Shevchenko Street, to the premises of the former men's gymnasium, which had recently been occupied by the government of the Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now boarding school No. 1). In the evening shift, classes began here, with parallel groups of first, second, and fourth year students (the number of students was about 300). In the spring of 1933, the first graduation of teachers of grades I-IV of the primary school of the Balta Ukrainian Pedagogical College took place. During these three years (1930-1933), the director of the pedagogical college was S. Zaporozhets, the deputy director for educational work was M. Hladkykh, and the party secretary was a student of Kopaigor.

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  In the years 1933–1934, 1934–1935, the building of the Ukrainian pedagogic school was dedicated to the educational building of the city. . In the 1933–1934 school year, M.K. Gladkikh was the director for a short time, and then S.Ya. Zeigman.

  In 1934-1935, Comrade Berdychivsky became the director of the pedagogical college, and his deputy for educational work was Comrade Kruhliak.

    Near the premises of the Ukrainian Pedagogical College in two buildings, the Balta Construction Technical College, which was liquidated in the summer of 1935 transferred to another place. According to the decision of the relevant state authorities, these two buildings, which belonged to the construction technical school, were transferred to the Baltic Ukrainian Pedagogical School with all the equipment, classrooms, and the library. In addition, 10 dormitory buildings for students, a dining room (a former Polish church) were transferred to the pedagogic school.

   From that time on, the Ukrainian pedagogical college received its own educational and material base, which fully provided for the entire educational process with students in one shift. The main building (formerly a female gymnasium) housed classrooms: physics, chemistry, natural history, military, music, and an assembly hall. The second building housed classrooms, the offices of the principal and deputy principal, a teacher's room, a room for the Komsomol and trade union organizations, an accounting office, and a library with a reading room.

      Since September 1935, Yarychevskii I.V., who held this position until 1937, became the deputy director of the pedagogical school part was Kahno J.S.

    A few words about the educational building, in which the classrooms and assembly hall are located. This is an ancient house that belonged to the Polish count Józef Lubomyrski during the time of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 17th century.

   At the end of the 17th century, this house and other settlements were bought by the Russian treasury. At the end of the 19th century, there was a female gymnasium in it, which existed until 1918.

    After the October Revolution, various Soviet institutions were located here until the time when this building was transferred to a construction technical school. Another building, where the classrooms are located, was built by the students of the construction technical school for a dormitory.

   At the time when I.V. Yarychevsky became the director, the technical school was fully staffed with teachers of all educational disciplines.

    Since 1935–1936, the pedagogy had the opportunity to increase the number of groups in the academic year, but it had a sufficient educational base. There were no x parallels in each course.

        The term of study at the pedagogical college was three years. In the 1935 academic year, in addition to recruitment for the school department, there was also recruitment for the preschool department, which consisted of one group in each course. The preschool department functioned until the beginning of the Soviet-German war of 1941-1945. The extramural department also developed its work, in which the number of students, taking into account the following enrollments, reached 300. In the stationary school and preschool departments, there were up to 450 students. In addition, the years 1936–1937 saw the widespread deployment of one-and-a-half-month and two-month pedagogical courses based on the 7th grade, after which boys and girls were registered for extramural studies, working on the ground in various school and preschool institutions of the Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In connection with the considerable need for teachers of mass schools in Moldova for grades V-VIII, in the 1935-1936 school year, one group of 30 students from the third year was allocated to train them as teachers of grades V-VIII. A separate curriculum was prepared for them. In addition to the certificate of completion of the pedagogical technical school, these graduates were also issued a certificate of the right to work in grades V-VIII.

    Since the 1937–1938 academic year, Ya.S. Kakhno Zaytsev became the director of the pedagogic school with his deputy. A., secretary of the party organization Comrade Gypsies who worked in these positions until the beginning of 1941.

      By a decree of the government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1938, pedagogical colleges were renamed pedagogical schools. Since there were two such schools in Balta, one of which trained teachers for Moldovan schools and the other for Ukrainian schools, the school discussed in this brief history was called the Balta Ukrainian Pedagogical School. From 1930 to 1940, the pedagogical school was subordinated to the Moldavian Commissariat of Education of the Ukrainian SSR in terms of administration and management. The educational process (programs, curricula, plans for pedagogical practice, and other methodological instructions) was managed by the Commissariat of Education of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. Classes were scheduled in even-numbered hours. Thus, every day in an academic group, only three subjects were taught. Music lessons were held in the second shift.

    On September 1, 1937, a two-year evening department of the pedagogical school was opened in Balta for teachers who worked in the city's schools but did not have proper special pedagogical education. Classes were held 4 times a week for 4 academic hours a day. Only one such graduation of teachers of the first- and fourth-grade primary schools took place in the spring of 1939, in the amount of 25 people.

    Regarding the teaching staff, it can be said that from the beginning of the foundation of the pedagogic school, that is, from 1932 to 1977, the transitory, non-permanent state of their place of work.

  Teachers changed almost every year for various reasons, and rarely someone worked for 2-3 years. Such a situation was also with the principals, when 5 principals changed in the pedagogic school during six years. The exception was the director Zaporozhets S.G., who worked for 3 years. Staff turnover, in particular, was determined by the flywheel of Stalinist repressions. Thus, in 1936-1938, teachers G.A. Kyurchubash, I.V. Samotiy, and teacher A.A. Klymenko were shot on the standard charges of counter-revolutionary activity and espionage". and director Zeigman S.Ya. by the decision of the NKVD, MASRR received three and five years (respectively) of correctional labor in concentration camps, which in those conditions was equivalent to the death penalty. All teachers were posthumously rehabilitated in 1989 by the Odesa Prosecutor`s Office in accordance with Art. 1 of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January 16, 1989.

    Only from the 1937-1938 school year, with the appointment of the director of Ya.S. Kakhno. the composition of teachers became stable. Most of them worked until 1941, before the beginning of the Soviet-German war. The following teachers can be noted: Chemeresyuk H.M. - teacher of drawing, Segal G.V. - teacher of mathematics, Okhrimenko O.A. - teacher of Ukrainian children literature, Tsyganash - teacher of pedagogy, Grishnin - teacher of physical education, Zubko F.O. - teacher of geography, Shamshanovych - teacher of German language, Kushnir I.V. - physics teacher, Popruzhny I.I. - chemistry teacher, Kahno L.S. - history teacher, Andriichenko N.M. - teacher of mathematics, Andriichenko K.M. - teacher of biology, Ostrovsky - teacher of mathematics, Plotnytskyi L. - teacher of Ukrainian language, Gubska P.I. - teacher of pedagogy, Kozulko I.P. - Ukrainian language teacher, N.S. Ginzburg. - music teacher.

  Pedagogical practice until 1941 was conducted only with third-year students, part-time - during the school year in Balta And the two-week one from April 1 to 15 - in schools of the district. Pupils of the preschool department conducted pedagogic practice in kindergartens in Balta.

  The leadership work with three collective farms of the village was well established. Karmelyukivka. Every year, on the "revolutionary holidays" of May 1st and November 7th, the staff of the pedagogic school, consisting of a choir, a drama group, and a brass band, went to collective farms for performances. In rural clubs, lectures, reports, plays and concerts were staged. Collective farmers always thanked the actors warmly.

   Art amateur circles worked fruitfully in the preschool. The 22-member brass band worked under the leadership of the experienced Kapellmeister J.S. Ginsburg, who at one time led the military divisional brass band for 15 years.

      The orchestra together with the choir often performed in the city park, the House of Culture, at enterprises, and at evenings in pedagogic schools. The orchestra of folk instruments, led by "Comrade Chekhovsky" also worked well.

    The drama group led by the head teacher of the pedagogic school O.A. Zaitsev was particularly noted for its work. This group staged such plays as: "Plato Krechet" by O. Korniychuk, "Nazar Stodol" by T. G. Shevchenko, "Give your heart freedom - it will lead you into captivity|" by M. Kropyvnytskyi and others.

   When Western Ukraine was included in the Ukrainian SSR in the fall of 1939, experienced teachers were sent there from a number of secondary schools in the Dnieper region to organize the educational process in schools. The People`s Commissariat of Education of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic offered the directorate of the Baltic Pedagogical School to send third-year students to these schools ahead of schedule, and they went to Western Ukraine to continue their education with the children. These early-released students then took the exams in absentia.

  The third-year students who dropped out were replaced by 10th-grade students from secondary schools in Balti and other districts of Moldova. In June 1940, Bessarabia was incorporated into the USSR and the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic was formed. The Moldovan Pedagogical School moved to the city of Tiraspol.

    The Balta administrative district was transferred to the Odesa region, and the Balta Ukrpedskola came under the Odesa regional department of public education. The local authorities of the Soviet government offered the kindergarten to occupy the territory with all the houses on the street. Uvarova, which was occupied by the Moldavian Pedagogical School. The transfer for the pedagogic school was beneficial because two large educational buildings (formerly the territory of a military hospital), several buildings - dormitories, apartments for teachers, and a dining room in the former monastery were placed on this large territory. There were two orchards on the territory, orderly avenues along which old oaks, poplars, and lindens grew.

   On September 1, 1940, the preschool moved to a new location. All students, about 460 people, were accommodated in dormitories, 12 families of teachers received apartments here.

    Learning at a new place began with fun, joy, and excitement. In the wide, spacious dining room, students received inexpensive, tasty food. Among this beautiful natural landscape, the brass band performed concerts of favorite waltzes, songs, and overtures on weekends or on the eve of them. A choir and vocalists performed on a specially built stage.

    And here is all this majestic mood, when the transfer and final exams have already begun, when the graduates of the third year already had appointments for teaching jobs in their hands, when in their imaginations joyful pictures of meeting with children appeared in front of my eyes, interrupted by the sad news brought by the radio. On June 22, 1941, German-Nazi invaders attacked the USSR.

  The main training building was immediately occupied by the District Military Committee for a mobilization point. The students of the pedagogic school, both transfer and graduation, had to take their exams already in the premises of secondary school No. 3. All graduates received certificates of graduation from the Baltic Pedagogical School, and students of the 1st and 2nd years had their transfers to the senior years completed. State examinations were held for students of the third year of the correspondence department, with the issuance of appropriate documents on graduation from the pedagogic school.

   From the first days of the Soviet-German war, the director of the pedagogic school J.S. Kahno, teachers I.I. Popruzhnyi, Ostrovsky, Grishin, Kartsev, Kudlai and the deputy educational work Zaitsev O.A. were mobilized to the Soviet Army. Even earlier, in the fall of 1939, during the Finnish campaign, teachers A. Lakshul and I.V. Kushnir were drafted into the Soviet Army, and in the fall of 1940 teacher Kozulko I.P.

    In early July 1941, the position of director of the pedagogical school was taken by the deputy director for correspondence studies F.O. Zubko.

    In the last days of July 1941, Balta was occupied by German and Romanian occupiers.

     There was a break in the life and activities of the preschool for 2 years and 18 months.

    At the beginning of April 1944, the Soviet Army liberated the city of Balta. Soviet state institutions, public organizations, industrial enterprises, and collective farms resumed their activities. The Baltic Pedagogical School also started working again (in 1943, the Pedagogical School was renamed the Pedagogical School).

   On June 8, 1944, according to the instructions of the Odesa Regional Department of Public Education, the pedagogic school began to prepare for the beginning of the school year. But the question arose: where to start? The pedagogic school did not have enough material base or premises. After all, the Nazi invaders during the occupation destroyed all the material values of the school.

     Educational office equipment, devices, musical instruments were looted by the Germans and Romanians. The library, which included more than 2,500 copies of scientific literature, fiction, and textbooks, was burned. And while retreating, the Nazi barbarians also burned both educational buildings and student dormitories.

    In such difficult conditions, the pedagogic school began organizational work on the beginning of the educational process. It was necessary to look for premises for classes, to collect students who had studied at the pedagogic school before the war and transferred to the II and III courses, to staff the teaching staff, to find means for equipping with educational equipment. In all these cases, the district party organization, the district executive committee, and the city council provided great assistance.

   In June 1944, Kamshchii was appointed the director of the pedagogic school, and A.M. Levchenko became his deputy in charge of education. During the summer, notices about the recruitment of students and the start of classes at the pedagogic school were sent to the districts of Odesa and neighboring regions.

     During this time, part of the teachers who worked in the pedagogic school before the war returned from evacuation, part of the teachers from secondary schools were invited to work . Thus, the pedagogic school was equipped with pedagogical personnel. High school graduates were recruited, II and III courses were filled with students who had studied at a pedagogic school before the occupation.

   Therefore, in the 1944–1945 academic year, the teacher training school started with the students of classes II and III on the basis of one course and 10 groups .

    At first, training was held in the evening shift in the premises of the third secondary school, and then in the premises on the street. Uvarova, in the former building of a kindergarten (now there is a boarding school No. 2).

    The correspondence department also started work. This department was headed by teacher P.F. Adamenko. Visual devices for physics, chemistry and natural science were used from secondary school No. 3.

    The library consisted of no more than 300 copies of various literature, and there were no textbooks at all. At a local furniture factory, oak tables of artisanal appearance were hastily made for 6 students, and benches along the length of the tables were made for the students to sit on. But even this equipment was not enough. Sometimes students brought stools with them, and sometimes they listened to lessons while standing. In the spring of 1945, the first post-war edition took place.

  In July 1945, Kokhanovsky D.K., who had worked in this position continuously for about 2 to 3 years, became the director of the pedagogical school retirement

    Since December 1, 1945, O.A. Zaitsev, who moved from the Soviet Union, became the deputy director for educational work. . He worked at this job until September 1957, when he retired, having worked at the school for more than 20 years.

   F.O. Zubko, who also returned from the ranks of the army, became the deputy director for correspondence education. Ukrainian language teacher I.P. Kozulko was also demobilized.

  But some of the teachers did not return. Kudlai, Kartsev, Grishin, Kolmatsuy, Shashmanovych died in battle while defending our Motherland.

On December 15, 1945, the pedagogic school again moved to its old premises on Shevchenko (former gymnasium), which was occupied until 1940, which was now vacated by the military unit.

    In the second building, which was also occupied by the pedagogic school until 1940, a military hospital was located.

    The training conditions were unsuitable. The heating system (boilers) did not work well, many windows were broken, the wind was blowing, and the classrooms were cold. It was necessary to insert plywood windows or cover them with old tin. Tables and chairs were missing. Pupils, like teachers, sat dressed in class. Despite such conditions, the teaching staff and students were very enthusiastic.

    Everyone understood that the whole country is experiencing difficulties, that this is a temporary phenomenon. It was especially difficult to solve the issue of food, because after the war, a card system was introduced for food products. A canteen was opened for the students in the premises of the educational building, where they gave the food they received under food cards.

    Teaching was conducted in one shift. And when the basic school opened, classes began to be held in two shifts.

   As the economy of the state was rebuilt, the conditions of education in the pedagogic school also improved. The educational and material base began to strengthen.

  Yes, already since 1949, physical, chemical, natural science, music, and pedagogical offices have been working. They were replenished with educational devices. More than 30 violins, 35 dombras, and a piano were purchased for teaching music. And for group work – a set of orchestral dombra instruments and a set of brass band instruments.

   The kindergarten was replenished with school supplies. Instead of tables, classrooms were equipped with desks.

    In the 1948-1949 school year, there was no graduation of students, because according to the government`s decree, they switched to four-year education.

     The turnover of teaching staff of the school has stopped. It can be said that since 1948, a permanent team of teachers has been formed.

    The academic performance of students has risen significantly. 3-4 students began to appear in each graduation, graduating from the pedagogic school with an honors diploma. 


Managers of the institution from the beginning of its creation until today

Zaporozhets S.G.
Gladkikh M.F.
Яричевський І.В.
Kahno Ya.S.
Кохановський Д. К.

Graduates of 1936


Graduation from the female gymnasium in 1916


Graduates of 1937


Pupils of the pedagogical school, 1939


Hostel, 1979

Bandura Players Group

A group of bandurists
manager Babkov M.V.

Ensemble "Dawn"
manager Kupczyk A.T.

Ensemble "Svitanok"
Football team

Football team, 1965

The present day

90 years
camp meeting
Pre-conscription training
we are a college
Embroidered shirts
3rd grade
Антошко М.Я.
Prysyazhnyuk V.P.
Ivannikov S.I.

Antoshko M.Ya.

1968 - 1985

Prysiazhniuk V.P.

1985 - 1996

Ivannikov S.I.

Since 1996

      Educational and cultural and mass work among students, the entire educational process began to rise to the appropriate level. Artistic self-activity groups have started: choral, musical, and others. The cooperation of the pedagogic school with the subordinate collective farm "Pravda" was established, to which the pedagogic school provided assistance in harvesting, and the chief`s assistance was also provided to the collective farms of the village. Kharytynivka, Lisnychivka, Myroniv and others.

    If until 1941 the graduates of the pedagogic school were sent to work only in the regions of the Moldavian Autonomous Republic of Ukraine after liberation from the Soviet Socialist Republic German-Nazi invaders, for several years in a row, starting in 1945, they began to be sent to schools in the regions of Western Ukraine and in the Izmail region (formerly Bessarabia). Part, of course, was also sent to Odessa, Mykolaiv, Kherson, and Kirovohrad regions.

    With the transition to four-year education, pedagogical practice improved significantly. Now it began and was conducted by students of the III and IV years.

    At the pedagogic school, a basic school was opened in the number of six grade groups of the primary school. The head of the basic school was Kokhanovska G.M. The children of the basic school studied in the first shift, so it was necessary to transfer part of the groups of students of the pedagogic school to classes in the second shift. In the basic school, students of the III and IV years of the school underwent pedagogical practice, but the school could not fully satisfy the planned number of pedagogical practice lessons. Therefore, students spent a considerable part of the lessons on pedagogic practice in primary classes of comprehensive schools in Balta.

   Over time, the basic school ceased to exist, and all the pedagogy of students was transferred entirely to secondary schools.

   Correspondence department, which started working in the pedagogic school since 1932, having conducted the last part-time graduates in 1952-16 was liquidated. During its existence, the correspondence department of the pedagogic school graduated 512 primary school teachers.

    Starting with the 1960-1961 academic year, students were admitted to the first year in the number of no more than 3-4 parallel groups. Therefore, the entire contingent of students during this period consisted in different years of 14-16 academic groups with an annual number of about 450-480 students.

   Since 1955, the process of reducing the number of pedagogical schools began in Ukraine. Thus, the Ananyiv Pedagogical School was liquidated, whose students from the IIIrd and IVth years were transferred to the Baltic Pedagogical School to continue their studies. But the following fact should also be noted: the admission of students to the first year at the teacher training school has stopped since the 1955-1956 academic year. There was no reception in the 1956-1957 academic year either. So, every year, the number of groups and students decreased and decreased, and it came to the point that in the 1957-1958 school year, only 3 groups of the fourth year remained in the school. In the spring of 1958, there was the last release based on the 8th grade. Obviously, it was a matter of liquidation of the Baltic Pedagogical School. This state of affairs worried the teaching staff, party and other public organizations of the school.

     In the spring of 1957, the secretary of the party organization of the school, also the deputy director for educational work, A. Zaitsev Ode. of the Ministry of Education of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic with a reasoned letter signed by several teachers - members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, in which it was stated that the Baltic Pedagogical School is located more than 200 km from the regional center, that there are no pedagogic schools in the vicinity, therefore they enroll in it students not only from the Odesa region, but also from the nearest neighboring regions of Vinnytsia and Kirovohrad. In the letter, there was a request to keep the Baltic Pedagogical School in operation in the future. The Ministry of Education of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic heeded this request and from the 1958-1959 academic year planned the recruitment of two parallel groups of 60 students to the pedagogic school based on secondary school graduates with a two-year term of study. In the future, every year, the admission of students to the school on the basis of the secondary school continued to grow, increasing the number of recruitment to six, or even more educational groups. So, in the 1962-1963 academic year, there were already 6 first-year groups in the teacher training school, and the same number of groups in the second year. And there were more than 360 students in total. Along with the enrollment of students on the basis of secondary education, in the 1963-1964 academic year, two groups of 60 students were accepted on the basis of the eight-year school. Admission of students in the number of 2-3 groups on the basis of the eight-year school continued further according to two educational plans.      

       As the number of academic groups increased, so did the pedagogical staff. Of these, only a few music and physical education teachers had secondary specialized pedagogical education, and all the rest had completed higher education. Teachers such as Kozulko I.P., Kokhanovskyi D.K., Andriychenko N., Chemeresiuk H.M., Andriychenko K.M., Zubko F.O., Levchenko A.M. worked at the school for more than 20 years, they were veterans of pedagogical work. Teachers combined their academic work with community service in the city, gave lectures and reports to the public. Kozulko I.P. was an aspiring poet who often performed at children's matinees in schools and published two collections of poems. At this time, the educational base of the pedagogical school was strengthened.  A workshop for manual labor lessons and a gym were equipped. The school already had 4 pianos, 6 accordions, several dozen dombras, movie cameras, radios, and a tape recorder. The school's library included 24 thousand copies of educational and fiction books. A great deal of methodological work was carried out among teachers, and schools of classroom teachers were organized. All of this contributed to the improvement of the quality of lessons and the students' knowledge.

    In 1968, the admission of students on the basis of secondary education stopped. From the 1968-1969 school year onwards, the recruitment of students was carried out only on the basis of graduates of the eight-year school.

    At the beginning of the 1968-1969 academic year, the director of the pedagogic school D.K. Kokhanovsky retires and Mykhailo Yakovych Antoshko becomes the new director. GV Khomov worked as the secretary of the party organization in 1959-1988. Since 1972, L.P. Soboleva became the deputy director for educational work.

    From this 1968-1969 academic year, a new rise began in the pedagogic school in all spheres of life: both in the educational and educational process, and in the economy. The second educational building, which housed secondary school No. 2, was transferred to the pedagogical school in 1968. But it was in such a state that it required major repairs. The old educational building also required significant repairs. In 1970, the renovation of the two-story educational building handed over by secondary school No. 2 was completed. It can be said that only the walls remained old in it, and all the internal arrangement - the ceiling, doors, windows, capital wall that separated the northern part from the southern part - was made anew. Now this educational building houses classrooms, a teacher`s office, a military office, a room for Komsomol and trade union organizations, and an accounting office. In the main building, where there are classrooms, an assembly hall, newly re-equipped office premises, replaced windows and doors, a heating system, the area of the assembly hall has been expanded to 270 seats.

    Thus, from the 1970-1971 school year, students classes began to be held in one shift, with the exception of music teaching, which took place in the second shift.

   So, the painful issue of bivariate training was eliminated. In the 1970s, compared to previous years, the material base of the pedagogic school was enriched. The following classrooms were equipped with new devices and visual aids: physics, chemistry, natural science, military, pedagogy, singing and music, language and literature, history, physical education, atheist, labor.

    A five-story student dormitory for 440 places with all amenities was built. A canteen was opened, which now has three spacious halls.

      In the late 1980s and early 1990s, 1,200 students were forced to study at the school again. two changes. But the collapse of the Soviet Union, difficulties in the economic development of independent Ukraine led to a significant reduction in the number of educational groups. Since the end of the 1990s, enrollment in the 1st course has been stable - 5 groups every year.

    In 1997, the educational institution was reorganized into the Balta School of the South Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after Kostyantyn Dmytrovych Ushinsky (Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 29.05.1997, Order No. 526 Odesa Department of Education No. 153 dated 06/27/1997, decision of the Oblast Council No. 134 dated 02/21/1997 - ХП, and Odesa Oblast State Administration Order No. 436/А - 97 dated 06/20/1997).

    According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 12.28.2009 No. 1222 "On the announcement of the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 02.1.2004 No. 149 p.. "On the reorganization of the Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky" on the basis of the educational institution, the higher educational communal institution "Balta Pedagogical School" of the Odesa region was formed.

    In 2003 - 2016, the training and consulting center of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky operated on the basis of the educational institution, which provided the opportunity to prepare programs of bachelors and specialists in the specialty "Primary education".

    In 2010, the educational institution was reorganized into the higher educational communal institution "Baltic Pedagogical College" of Odesa region.

    According to the Decision of the Odesa Regional Council of December 21, 2018 No. 894-VII "On changing the type and name of the higher educational institution "Baltic Pedagogical College" item 1 institution of education changed the type and name of the Higher Educational Communal Institution "Baltic Pedagogical College" to the Communal Institution "Baltic Pedagogical College".

    According to the decision of the Odesa Regional Council dated August 10, 2020 No. 1348-VII.  "On changing the type and name of the communal institution" Balta Pedagogical College" item 1 educational institution changed the type and name from the communal institution "Balta Pedagogical College' to the communal institution "Balta Pedagogical Professional College".

    In 2019, two structural subdivisions started their work: "Establishment of primary education and the level of full general secondary education" and cinema "Rodyna", operating within the approved limits accordingly estimates of the pedagogical college.

    During its existence, the Pedagogical College trained more than 16,193 highly qualified specialists - teachers of the primary level of education.

   The educational institution has passed state accreditation and has a license to carry out educational activities related to the provision of higher education at the level of qualification requirements for training students at the first (bachelor) level of higher education and at the "professional junior bachelor" level of pre-higher education with additional specializations: English teacher in elementary grades, organizer of social and pedagogical assistance, head of a children`s choir and choreographic group, social teacher, physical education teacher, organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular educational work with children . 506 students study at the pedagogical college.

      The activity of the educational institution is aimed at implementing state educational programs: the Law of Ukraine "On Education", the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", the Law of Ukraine "On Vocational Pre-Higher Education", the concept of the New Ukrainian School.

    The Pedagogical College is a universally recognized center of culture in the Northern region of Odesa region and fulfills its direct purpose: formation of teachers of the New Ukrainian School, affirmation of citizenship and Ukrainianness, formation of a new Ukrainian philosophy of a state directed to the future.

    During the existence of the educational institution, a stable creative pedagogical team was formed. In order to improve effective and purposeful work, the school has created 9 subject-cycle commissions headed by the most experienced teachers.

   The educational process is provided by 61 highly qualified teaching staff. Pedagogical workers were awarded: 4 with the state award "Honored Education Worker of Ukraine" and 1 with the Order of Princess Olga III degree, 3 with the thanks of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, 7 with the badge "Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi" 4 with the badge "A.S. Makarenko" , 1 with the "Petro Mohyla" badge, 12 with the Thanks of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 1 with the "Honored Worker of Physical Culture and Sports" award. 19 teachers hold the title of "Teacher - methodologist" 22 - "Senior teacher" 28 - awarded the "Excellence of Education of Ukraine" badge, 9 teachers continue their studies in postgraduate studies.

     The priority areas of work of the teaching staff are:

- training of a new generation of teachers for the New Ukrainian School;

- implementation of the latest information technologies in the educational process;

- implementation of interactive forms and methods of learning;

- joint work with the district department of education, with primary school teachers of the city and district on issues of improving the quality of training of specialists for school work in line with today`s requirements.

    The communal institution "Balta Pedagogical Professional College" has a developed material and technical base: two educational buildings with 29 classrooms; methodological office; two new educational computer complexes were equipped to implement the target program of informatization of educational institutions; a library (total fund – 73,071 copies) and a reading room with 80 seats; college museum; sports and choreographic halls; assembly hall for 270 seats; a medical office with an isolator, a student dining hall with three halls for 320 seats, 2 greenhouses.

    In the modern world of development of innovative technologies, every future specialist must know the basics of robotics, a teacher is no exception. Today, there is no longer a question of whether robotics is necessary in higher educational institutions of Ukraine, since it is already present in the everyday life of young people and it is only a matter of time before its mass distribution. That is why, starting in 2018, the Pedagogical College joined the international educational STEM program – FIRST LEGO League. By participating in FIRST LEGO League, students learn programming, robotics concepts, develop research skills, and leadership skills.

    In order to popularize STEM education in the Odesa region, on December 20, 2019, the communal institution "Balta Pedagogical College" and the Public Organization "International Organization",Innovative Educational Technologies  signed a memorandum on long-term cooperation. Thanks to this, students practically get to know educational programs of LEGO Education on the special course of STEM education 'Robotics in elementary school' undergo pre-diploma teaching practice on the basis of INVENTOR STEM schools, get involved in the FIRST LEGO League and ROBOTICA volunteer programs. College teachers actively share their pedagogical experience in STEM education and conduct robotics workshops for school teachers.

    Using the topics of real STEM projects, students of the 2nd grade of the Communal Institution "Balta Pedagogical Professional College" have the opportunity to engage in project activities using the Wedo 2.0 kits. Classes with Wedo 2.0 educational sets help children to develop not only 21st century competencies, but also skills in conducting scientific research activities, as well as confidence in their abilities and knowledge. After all, in classes, every student will be able to succeed in the process of solving practical problems from real life.

   Communal institution "Balta Pedagogical Professional College" in 2017-2018 became a participant in the regional project "New generation of teachers for the New Ukrainian School. During the activity, the program of the "NUSH" Special Course was developed, the necessary materials were selected and systematized. For further control of students' knowledge of this discipline, a special computer test was created.

    Seven teachers of the institution are regional trainers of the New Ukrainian School, who systematically engaged in the retraining of primary school teachers in Odesa before the implementation of the new state standard of primary general education.

    The Pedagogical College is a participant in the pilot project “Learning through Play”. Within the framework of the pilot, teachers have repeatedly participated in meetings at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with the participation of L. Mandzii, P. K. Hobzey, R. B. Shyian, O. Roma, and others. They were included in the working group to develop the curriculum of the special course “Learning through play”.

   As part of the college's cooperation with the LEGO Foundation, teacher Shchur V. A. became one of ten regional LEGO trainers who conducts additional trainings for teachers in Odesa region on the topic of “Game and activity-based teaching methods in primary school.” 

    Teachers of the institution As a volunteer, she attended the all-Ukrainian festival of play, education and inspiration from the LEGO Foundation "Play Fest" where participated in the "Colorful Summer" master class.

     Pedagogical staff of the educational institution played the role of teacher certification experts, were participants-experts in the implementation of the NUSH study.

    The teachers are speakers at the meeting of the academic council of DNU "Institute of Modernization of the Content of Education" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

    At the beginning of the 2019-2020 academic year Rat. V. A. was a panel discussion participant and a speaker at the Regional August Conference "Education of Odesa: Challenges and Prospects".

    Bright and diverse student life. Students of the Pedagogical College are regular participants and prize-winners of regional and regional subject olympiads, the competition of pedagogical skills, the Taras Shevchenko International Linguistic and Literary Competition and the P. Yatsyk International Competition among student youth. It has become traditional to hold scientific and practical conferences that contribute to the identification and support of talented youth, the development of creative abilities, and the improvement of the quality of specialists. Students of the school are scholarship recipients of the President of Ukraine, their creative achievements are published in the pages of the Pedagogical Herald newspaper and the Koledzhanyn magazine.

    Over the years, a clear, meaningful system of youth education has been formed in the Pedagogical College. Cultural and educational events have become traditional: Shevchenko holidays, freshman week, days of student self-government, thematic weeks; amateur art groups work: folk art group - vocal ensemble "Unison" folk art group - ensemble "Dudaryk" folk art group - group of Ukrainian songs "Pure Springs", folklore ensembles, brass band, choreography group "Richenka".

    Sports and physical education occupy a significant place in the system of promoting a healthy lifestyle. Students of the educational institution are winners of the second regional Olympiad in physical culture among universities of the I-II levels of accreditation, of the regional university in Kremenchuk.

      Teachers of the educational institution carry out active social work, among them are deputies of the city and district councils.

    The teaching staff is proud of each of its graduates, but its special pride is Zavalevsky Yu.I. - First Deputy Director of the State Scientific Institution "Institute of Modernization of the Content of Education" of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine; Natalka Poklad is a Ukrainian poet, publicist, teacher, public activist, member of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine, member of the Union of Ukrainian Women and the Ukrainian Union of Educators; Rector of KZVO "Odesa Academy of Continuing Education of the Odesa Regional Council" candidate of philosophical sciences L.K. Zadorozhna, directors of schools in the city and district - L.A. Doni, O.V. Draganyuk, N.V. Kopteva. etc.

     Technical staff, student dormitories, educators work selflessly to create proper conditions for students education, education, life, nutrition, and recreation canteen, dormitory, library workers, laboratory workers.

    National presentation and rating program "Business image of Ukraine. National Achievements" honored the work team with an honorary award - the silver award "Recognition of the Year - 2009" in the nomination "Education and Science of Ukraine" among higher educational institutions of I-IV levels of accreditation for high professionalism, significant contribution to the socio-economic, scientific and cultural development of Ukraine , formation and popularization of its international image.

    For a significant contribution to the development of national education, the training of highly qualified specialists for primary school, the introduction of the latest pedagogical technologies and scientific and methodological achievements into the educational process, the implementation of the New Ukrainian Concept schools, strengthening the social protection of students, active social activities, the labor team of the Pedagogical College was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Certificate of Honor of the Odesa Regional State Administration and the Odesa Regional Council.

   The staff of the Communal Institution "Balta Pedagogical Professional College confidently looks to tomorrow. Behind his shoulders is the path of 90 years - the rich and bright history of the educational institution, and ahead are new and important tasks in the noble business of teaching and educating teachers of the new Ukrainian school.



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