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Public information

Заклад не надає додаткових освітніх та інших послуг.

     КЗ “Балтський педагогічний фаховий коледж” надає публічну інформацію керуючись Законом України About access to public information and the Decree of the President of Ukraine The question of ensuring access to public information by executive authorities

The "Baltic Pedagogical Vocational College" KZ provides public information in response to an information request.

According to the law, public information is displayed and documented by any means and on any media, which was received or created in the process of the subjects of authority performing their duties, provided for by the current legislation, or which is in the possession of the subject objects of power.

A request from a person to receive information is submitted in an arbitrary form. At the same time, it is absolutely necessary to specify:

  1. the name and surname of the requester, postal address or e-mail address, as well as telephone number;

  2. a description of the information that the requester would like to receive (type, name, details or content of the requested document);

  3. signature and date.

In order to simplify the procedure for issuing written requests for information, a person can submit a request by filling out the appropriate information request forms:

forms for submitting an information request in writing:



​Postal address of the "Baltic Pedagogical Vocational College" KZ for submitting an information request:

   66101, Odesa Region, Balta, st. Shevchenko, 2.

   (04866) 2-27-70

Правила військового обліку призовників, військовозобов`язаних та резервистів


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