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Dear veterans of pedagogical work,
talented teachers and staff,
graduates of previous years, today's students,
our coveted applicants!

photo of the college principal

Ivannikov Serhii Ivanovych

College Director,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine

                        Welcome to the official website of the College of Education.

    The educational institution was founded in 1930. The Pedagogical College has come a long way. These were turbulent, intense and fruitful years. Along with the development of the state, our educational institution grew and strengthened on the territory of Ukraine. The College has gained prestige and recognition in society, and our graduates are always in great demand in all parts of Ukraine. We make a significant contribution to the training of specialists for the primary level of national education, training agents of change for the New Ukrainian School.

    Today, with warmth and gratitude, we remember the founders of the college, bow low to the veterans, express our respect and gratitude for their dedication to teaching, courage, and heroism during the Second World War, during the years of reconstruction, formation, and development of the pedagogical college.

  Our words of gratitude to all those who create the present of the Municipal Institution “Balta Pedagogical Professional College”, who cherish the fate of the people and the future of Ukraine, to all those for whom teaching is not just a profession, but a state of mind, to all those who educate a new nationally conscious nation, teach the desire to be worthy of their predecessors, learn from them high professionalism, experience and creative inspiration, readiness to act for progress, to carry the ideas of education, humanism, democracy.

   The vector of Ukrainian education is directed to the European space. So we are ready to create a new Ukrainian school, a modern system of primary education.

  Our team realizes that the tasks we face are complex and majestic. I am convinced that we will solve them together, because our educational institution has all the necessary conditions for this: the proper material base, professional experience, inspiration and wisdom of the teaching staff, and the desire and desire for quality knowledge of students. I wish us all good luck on this responsible path.

                     With sincere wishes of health, happiness, new ups and downs.

 College Director,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences                                          Serhii  IVANNIKOV




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66101, Odesa region

 Balta, st. Shevchenko, 2

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